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Статистика наиболее популярных поисковых запросов ...
Электронные документы
1 IFLA: the Federation and the Folks - Between Virtual and Personal Networks
2 Iki kadin yazarimizdan almanya izlenimleri
3 Iki Kadin Yazarimizdan Almanya Izlenimleri
4 In silico дизайн інгібіторів протеїнкінази СК2
5 Indicative Surfaces for Crystal Optical Effects
6 Influence of electrical arc on the breaking process of low- voltage electric devices
7 Information Chill, Libraries and Democracy after September 11, 2001
8 Information Literacy as an Outcome of Cooperative Planning and Teaching in the Modern School Library & Information Services Programme
9 Information Services in a Changing Corporate Environment. From British Gas to BG Group plc: State Monopoly to International Private Company
10 Information System of Estonian Libraries: Cooperation and Resource Sharing Issues
11 Integration of Scientific Information
12 Interchangeability of Combined Piezoelectrooptic Effect in LiTaO3 and LiNbO3 Crystals
13 Intercorrelation analysis of physical preparedness indices in guards
14 Interlibrary Cooperation: A case study of a Relationship Initiated Via the USIS/ALA Library Fellows Program
15 International tourism in the era of globalization
16 Internet use: gender analysis
17 Introduction to the Internet
18 Investigation of non-repeatability in field induced electron emission phenomenon
19 IV съезд партии "Иттифак эль муслимин" и упадок либерального движения тюрко-мусульман России
20 Iнтер'єр постмодерну як предмет мистецтва

Документы 1 - 20 из 20
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